Spirulina For Children - A Miracle Algae

Spirulina For Children - A Miracle Algae

Key points

  • Spirulina is an excellent supplement to give to your child, and numerous studies have proven its health benefits in children and adults. 
  • When grown responsibly, spirulina is 100% safe for children.
  • This supplement is full of essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, vitamins C, E, and A, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and others. 
  • The best way to give spirulina to your children is via FUL® sparkling spirulina drinks, which are an excellent delicious alternative to Coca-Cola and other fizzy beverages. These beverages contain spirulina nutrients, which has all the nutrients of powdered spirulina without any of its unpleasant smell. FUL® is also an excellent source of calcium.

Herbert Hoover once said that children are our most valuable resource, and they are the ones who make our life meaningful, who make it matter. They are little beams of sunlight, gentle as lambs, happy as larks, and malleable like wet cement: whatever falls on them makes an impression, especially when it comes to their health. The food they eat, the sports they play, the beverages they consume, the time they spend watching cartoons or playing video games - all these factors and habits will later impact their health. And every parent wants their child to be healthy and happy. We sign our little ones up for a host of clubs, sports, and activities, cook the best food for them, and buy vitamins and dietary supplements to help them live even healthier lives.

In this article, we will talk about spirulina, the most popular dietary supplement all over the globe, and how you can use it to improve your child’s health and well-being.


What Is Spirulina?

Spirulina belongs to the cyanobacteria class of single-celled microorganisms, also known as blue-green algae. It is found in both salt and fresh water and packed with all sorts of antioxidants, nutrients, minerals, and vitamins beneficial to both your body and brain. This algae is one of the best-known, eco-friendly dietary supplements in the world. 


Is Spirulina Safe For My Child? 

Yes, it definitely is! Spirulina is one hundred per cent plant-based and vegan, and it is considered to be one of the best sources of pure plant-based protein. Various studies conducted worldwide have shown that spirulina can even prevent and cure numerous health issues. For instance, doctors working in Togo, a small village located in Mexico, decided to prescribe spirulina to malnourished infants. Children were given 15 grams of the supplement mixed with spices, water, and millet daily, and within a few weeks, all infants recovered. In Bucharest, spirulina tablets were prescribed to children and adults who suffered from weight loss along with other diseases like diabetes, anaemia, and chronic pancreatitis caused by nutritional deficiencies. Soon, the treatment showed amazing results - patients started to gain weight and claimed that their health improved as well. 


You have most likely heard about the Chornobyl tragedy and how the radiation affected those who lived in the areas near the nuclear plant at that time. But have you heard about the dramatic effect spirulina had on the recovery of the patients affected by radiation? After the tragedy, most children coming from Chornobyl fell victim to radiation, which damaged their bone marrow, weakened their immune systems, and caused immune deficiencies. As a result, children suffered from anaemia and numerous severe allergic reactions. But only ten grams of spirulina a day changed the children’s condition completely, especially that of the infants, and led to fast recovery. And we could go on and on, talking about all those miracle recoveries and the role spirulina played in them.

The only things about spirulina that might make it unsafe for our bodies are its quality and origin. This is because a lot of spirulina is grown in unsafe environments in China in India. This algae is often contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins, and it should never be administered to children or adults. 

Thus, it’s essential to ensure that the spirulina you consume is administered correctly and that you only purchase algae from reputable and safe suppliers like FUL® - a Netherlands-based food tech company. We grow our spirulina in ultra high-tech bioreactors, which form a high-quality closed-loop system intended to avoid impurities and ensure the quality and purity of the algae we produce. Not only does such a system allow us to preserve the quality and purity of spirulina, but it also preserves all nutrients (including phycocyanin) and ensures that they don’t degrade with heat like other forms of spirulina. 

Try Sparkling Spirulina Drink

How Much Spirulina Should I Include In My Child’s Diet? 

The recommended dose of spirulina for adults is pretty standard - doctors say that you should take six capsules or one teaspoon of powder a day, and you’ll be as good as new. When it comes to children, the numbers are not as unambiguous. Everything depends on the child’s age and weight, so it’s best to consult a paediatrician before you give your child spirulina powder or tablets. Alternatively, you can give your little one FUL® sparkling spirulina drinks instead of fizzy beverages for a sugar-free boost of nutrients.

Spirulina Nutrients For Children

Spirulina is a great source of essential vitamins and minerals needed for your child’s proper development and growth. 

Vitamins contained in spirulina

  • Vitamin C. Vitamin C, otherwise known as ascorbic acid, is a very important part of any diet. Not only does it help to improve the condition of one’s skin, but it also helps to strengthen the immune system, preventing your child from catching the flu and other viruses common among children.
  • Vitamin A. Also known as beta carotene, this vitamin improves your child’s eyesight, allowing them to see better even in dim light. Plus, this antioxidant helps to prevent the appearance of Bitot’s spot and the occurrence of Corneal xerosis, which is a severe form of vitamin A deficiency. 
  • Vitamin E. This antioxidant is also essential for improving skin condition and protecting cell membranes, shielding them from outside elements.

Minerals found in spirulina

  • Calcium. A child can’t grow properly without enough calcium in their body. This mineral is a key to strong and healthy teeth, bones, and muscles. It can also protect the body from osteoporosis and severe fractures. The recommended daily dose of calcium for children aged from 1 to 3 is 700 mg, while kids from 4 to 8 should consume at least 1,000 mg of calcium a day. When it comes to older kids aged from 9 to 18, the perfect daily dose is 1,300 mg, which equals about 4 cups of milk. 
  • Potassium: this spirulina component is responsible for keeping the blood pressure in check. It is responsible for the production of enzymes and new cells, and it can also boost your child’s ability to heal wounds.
  • Iron. You have surely heard how important iron is for children’s health, especially for infants. It enhances muscle strength, transports oxygen throughout the body, and keeps the blood cells healthy. Including spirulina into your littlest one’s diet will fully satisfy their daily need for iron.
  • Magnesium. This mineral takes part in a plethora of vital functions our body performs, like turning the food we consume into energy. It also ensures that our bones stay healthy, preventing osteoporosis and lowering blood pressure, just like iron.
  • Zink. This mineral is responsible for the creation of new enzymes and cells, thus promoting wound healing.

And some more beneficial components

  • Omega-6 essential fatty acids, which are also referred to as gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), are thought to work as pain killers, as they can ease pain and have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Protein. Protein is the most well-known component of spirulina. It has something good to offer for the whole body, starting with the bones and ending with the metabolism. It is also used as a building block of your little one’s body, so it’s crucial for your child’s proper growth. But finding a pure source of protein is quite a tricky task. But it doesn’t have to be. If you’re looking for a protein supplement for your kid, go ahead and try spirulina - it’s packed with protein! 

    Eat FUL® Spirulina And Protect Our Enviroment

    Not only is spirulina good for your children’s health, but it’s also better for the environment than many of sources of nutrition. Spirulina does little harm to our delicate ecosystem when it is ethically grown, harvested, handled, and distributed, unlike animal-based sources of protein. FUL’s® spirulina production does not contaminate water, produce harmful greenhouse gas emissions, or deplete the world’s finite fresh water supply. 

    Try Sparkling Spirulina Drink

    On the contrary, FUL® spirulina converts more CO2 into oxygen than it produces when it grows. When consuming spirulina instead of other animal-based supplements or protein sources, you improve your and your child’s health and take great care of the environment at the same time. Furthermore, spirulina does not require arable land to grow, which frees up space for other objectives like rebuilding natural ecosystems. It also doesn’t require pesticides, fertilisers, or a lot of fresh water, so it doesn’t cause as much environmental harm related to biodiversity loss, freshwater usage, pollution, and deforestation, as other popular sources of nourishment.

    How Can I Convince My Child To Take Spirulina?

    In spite of the fact that spirulina is extremely beneficial to your health, it has a very unpleasant smell and taste, which most kids hate. While tablets are also an option, and they usually have no taste or smell, some children are quite reluctant to take them. Of course, you can mix spirulina powder with juice or a smoothie. But you’d have to agree - having a child means you have to lead a busy lifestyle that includes spending lots of time outdoors, attending various clubs, driving your child around, cooking, cleaning up after them, etc. So finding the time to come up with a recipe that will hide the taste of spirulina, cooking it, convincing your little one to drink it, and cleaning up afterwards can put an unnecessary burden on you. So instead of adding this whole mess to your troubles, try bottled or canned sparkling spirulina drinks from FUL® - they will be delivered right to your doorstep.

    FUL® - What Is It And Why Is It Beneficial For My Child?

    FUL® is a refreshing spirulina-based drink rich in vitamins and minerals. This drink was created by a group of leading experts passionate about protecting our environment. So, what makes FUL® so great? First of all, taste. Not only is FUL® a great source of protein and essential nutrients, but it’s also a delicious substitute for spirulina tablets and powder. Our innovative way of harvesting and processing spirulina allows us to get rid of the unpleasant taste of algae and preserves soluble nutrients at the same time, making a tasty, healthy refreshment for children and adults. 

    And the best part is that it’s carbonated and free from added sugar or artificial colouring or flavour agents, so you can give your child a can of FUL® any time they want a soda without feeling guilty. FUL® tastes so good that your child won’t even notice the difference. But oh boy, what a big difference it makes when it comes to your littlest one’s health! 

    Final Thoughts - Is Spirulina Worth It?

    Yes, it definitely is. Spirulina is a great dietary supplement that is safe for children, good for the environment, and offers countless health benefits. It strengthens your child’s bones and muscles, helps nourish them with vitamins and minerals, and benefits the vascular system. We believe that children should start developing healthy eating habits at a very young age since a nutritious diet is crucial for their growth and can have an impact on how they eat later in their lives. And FUL® is a fantastic start: it is a nutrient-dense beverage that is delicious, safe for kids, and easy to incorporate into a child’s diet. 



    At what age can children take spirulina?

    Numerous studies show that spirulina does not pose any danger to children and adults when grown safely and administrated correctly. It is even prescribed to infants who suffer from malnourishment. So it’s safe to say that spirulina may be given from birth. However, you should consult a doctor before adding this supplement to your infant’s diet.

    What are the dangers of spirulina?

    If spirulina is cultivated in unsanitary and unsafe conditions, it may get polluted with dangerous bacteria, hazardous metals, and toxins produced by some types of algae called microcystins. Consumption of contaminated spirulina can result in dizziness, liver damage, vomiting, shock, thirst, nausea, rapid heartbeat, exhaustion, and in some cases, even death.

    Who should not take spirulina?

    If you are currently taking blood thinners, have allergies, PKU, bleeding disorders, or autoimmune issues, it’s best to avoid spirulina. Consult your doctor if you have doubts about whether this algae is good for you.

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