Key points:
- Seltzer is plain water carbonated with added carbon dioxide, often with added flavors.
- Sparkling water is naturally carbonated spring water with added carbon dioxide that contains minerals such as salt and sulfur, and may have a unique flavor.
- Club soda is carbonated water with potassium sulfate and bicarbonate added for a salty flavor. It is mostly used in the bar industry.
- Tonic water is carbonated water with quinine added for a bitter flavor and sweetened with cane sugar or high-fructose corn syrup.
Our ability to be productive, feel well, and generally be as healthy as possible is influenced by our ability to keep our bodies hydrated throughout the day. But drinking plain water without any flavorings or bubbles is uninteresting for many people living in today's society. Meanwhile, the majority of sodas, juices, and other so-called ‘fun’ beverages do not provide the necessary hydration and are not the ideal choice for your health.
That's where seltzers and sparkling water come in, as they are widely claimed to be both healthy and tasty. But how do those beverages differ from one another, and which is better to drink? Also, how do they compare to tonic water, club soda, and mineral water? We break it down for you below.

Carbon dioxide + water
The most basic beverage on this list is a seltzer because it only requires plain water and carbon dioxide that’s added to it. It is frequently used as a cocktail base because of its neutral flavor, which doesn’t alter the taste of the drink. Because drinking bland water with bubbles would undoubtedly get old quite quickly, seltzers frequently come in a variety of flavors, starting with the basic lemon flavor and progressing to fancy white peach or hibiscus flavorings. Additionally, "hard seltzer" is produced with an alcoholic base of fermented cane sugar.

Sparkling Water
Carbon dioxide + water + minerals
You probably won't notice much of a difference between sparkling water and seltzer. There is one, though! Sparkling water is naturally occurring spring water that contains minerals like salt and sulfur. These minerals allow the water to naturally carbonate, but additional carbon dioxide may be added for a stronger sparkling effect. Sparkling water can also have a little distinct flavor of its own. Depending on the natural spring from which the water is drawn, some components may make the water taste more salty or lemony.

Club Soda
Carbon dioxide + water + potassium salts
Club soda is carbonated water that contains potassium sulfate and bicarbonate as additives. These two ingredients combine to provide the salty flavor that you may taste in club soda. It is mostly used in the "bar industry" because many bartenders agree that this salty flavor enhances the flavor of many cocktails.

Mineral Water
Naturally carbonated water from a spring
All of the drinks mentioned above contain carbonation, although mineral water comes in both sparkling and still varieties. Mineral water is naturally occurring water from springs or wells that contains certain salts, minerals, and sulfur compounds. Due to varying mineral contents, mineral waters from various springs will also have a unique taste.

Tonic Water
Carbon dioxide + water + quinine
Tonic water, a soda-like beverage, is commonly used to make alcohol-based cocktails. Tonic water's bitter flavor is created by a compound called quinine, which is obtained from cinchona trees. Higher doses of it were originally used as an antimalarial drug, but due to its lack of safety and effectiveness, it is now banned. It's vital to acknowledge that, unlike other waters on this list, tonic water has calories since producers sweeten it with cane sugar or high-fructose corn syrup to balance out the bitterness.

FUL® Sparkling Spirulina Drinks
Carbon dioxide + mineral water + spirulina extract
We've already talked about how important water intake is to the well-being of our bodies. However, we know that drinking still or sparkling water all day, every day, can quickly become tedious, and your hand may automatically reach for a soda can during these moments. Unfortunately, excessive soda consumption can result in obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular issues due to its high calorie and sugar content. That is why we want to recommend a great alternative - FUL® sparkling spirulina drinks. FUL® are fizzy beverages packed with antioxidant-rich spirulina extract, calcium, iron, vitamin C, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2, in addition to other minerals. It is a cutting-edge, premium spirulina beverage with superior nutrient bioavailability and numerous health benefits. Why is FUL® so special?
- If you've tried spirulina powders before, you're undoubtedly already familiar with their repulsive fishy smell. Given that FUL® is manufactured with spirulina extract and doesn't taste like this algae, it's a great choice for everyone.
- The spirulina used in FUL® sparkling beverages is grown in high-end closed-loop systems that recycle CO2 emissions, giving it increased potency and bioavailability. As a result, FUL® is among the highest-quality spirulina supplements available on the market at a fair price.
- FUL® beverages offer lots of health benefits. For example, they contain iron and magnesium in addition to a large number of vitamins and antioxidants. While magnesium supports neuron function and the immune system, iron aids the body's many critical processes by promoting energy and concentration.
- FUL® is available in three flavors: Lime & Mint, White Peach, and Lemon & Ginger. You will fall in love with every single one of them, we promise!
- Because these beverages come in bottles or cans, you won't have to muck around with spirulina powder to mix everything together. They are also compact and easy to carry everywhere!
What are you waiting for? Try FUL® today!