Key points
- Kombucha is one of the healthiest beverages out there, and you can drink it at any time of the day.
- Most experts recommend consuming kombucha in the morning before you’ve had your first meal because it maximises the chances of beneficial kombucha bacteria surviving the harsh acidic environment in the stomach.
- You can also drink kombucha throughout the day and in the evening, but you should keep in mind that it contains some caffeine, so don’t drink it too late if you’re sensitive to caffeine.
- Doctors recommend keeping your daily kombucha intake to 12 ounces or less and splitting this amount into three servings of 4 ounces, taken throughout the day.
If you want to be healthy in today’s day and age, you have to dedicate a lot of attention to staying hydrated and replenishing your microbiome. This is where kombucha comes in. Many people vouch for the health benefits of this beverage, which has become a worldwide health trend in recent years. But few people actually know how often they should drink kombucha and when to drink kombucha to get the most out of it. If you’re struggling to answer these questions as well, don’t worry, we will tell you all you need to know below!
What is kombucha?
Even though it may not taste like it, kombucha is essentially sweetened tea fermented with yeast and bacteria. This symbiotic culture of yeast and bacteria is called SCOBY, and it is the source of fermentation in kombucha. Once fermentation is complete, you get a sweet and sour fizzy drink packed with amino acids, B vitamins, and a bit of vinegar.
Scientists believe that kombucha first appeared in China around two thousand years ago. Other countries didn’t stay behind for long and also adopted now famous kombucha. The first ones were Japan and Russia. European countries, on the other hand, took a step back and decided to take their time, so the beverage was unable to win over European hearts until the early 20th century. Today, kombucha is experiencing renewed popularity in the United States and all over the world.
How is kombucha made?
Traditional kombucha is made using tea, sugar, and a SCOBY culture. Once the tea is brewed and sweetened, manufacturers add SCOBY to it and leave it to ferment. At this point, bacteria and yeast begin to feed on the sugar in the beverage, converting sugar into acetic acid. The exact amount of time kombucha should be set aside to ferment depends on the season and the fermentation level you strive to achieve. For instance, to get perfectly fermented kombucha with low sugar content in winter, you need to ferment kombucha for up to a month. As you might have already concluded, the longer kombucha stays aside, the more fermented it will be and the less sugar it will have at the end of the day.
What are the benefits of kombucha?
The first notable advantage of kombucha is the high level of probiotics produced by the fermentation process. Probiotics, as you might have heard, help a great deal with your digestion, and they also can relieve diarrhoea and balance the levels of bacteria in the intestines. Probiotics are also known to be extremely beneficial for those who suffer from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Yet another benefit of probiotics is a stronger immune system.
Among other health advantages, kombucha is also said to be a great help in weight loss. It also regulates blood pressure and lowers the risk of heart disease, as well as cancer.
Some people even claim to experience reduced hair loss after regular kombucha consumption.
To be frank, none of the mentioned benefits of this beverage are scientifically proven. However, kombucha lovers wholeheartedly believe in them. One way or another, this drink is definitely worth trying out.
Tip: If you make kombucha yourself and want to increase its health benefits, use green tea instead of black to make the drink. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that protect our cells from ageing and other damage. Not only does green tea help your body burn excess fat and lower the risk of heart disease, but it also has been proven to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
How much kombucha should I consume?
First thing you should know about kombucha it’s that its effects are actually cumulative, meaning they accumulate gradually, which is why we would strongly suggest drinking small amounts of kombucha each day to gain the maximum benefits from doing so. If you do otherwise and consume large amounts of kombucha every once in a while, it will backfire on you - not only will you miss out on all the said health benefits, but it might also cause serious intestinal discomfort.
Another important thing you should keep in mind is the safe dosage of kombucha. Food safety experts advise against consuming more than 4 ounces of kombucha per serving, up to three times per day, which equals 12 ounces of kombucha per day.

When to drink kombucha?
To be fair, all times of the day are perfect for kombucha - you can have it in the morning before breakfast, after an intense workout session, on your lunch break, or even in the evening before going to bed. Everything depends on your body and the health benefits you strive to gain. Let’s take a closer look into kombucha “happy hours”.
#1 First thing in the morning
Many nutritionists, as well as kombucha lovers, claim that drinking kombucha first thing in the morning on an empty stomach offers the greatest health advantages. Let’s take a dive into the biology of it all:
While the ordinary kombucha brew has a pH of 2.5 to 3.5, the average person’s stomach has a pH of 1.5 to 3.5. Because of this, the bacteria in kombucha are more likely to survive the stomach’s environment. When your stomach has no food to digest (meaning before you’ve had your first meal of the day), its acidity level tends to lean closer to 3.5 pH. However, right after you consume the food, your body begins to produce more acid to digest the meal, changing the pH of your stomach from 3.5 to 1.5, making it impossible for kombucha bacteria to survive. This is why most experts recommend drinking kombucha before you eat. That way, kombucha bacteria and the probiotics it contains can enjoy a less harsh environment in the stomach, which increases their chances of survival.
In addition, kombucha also contains low levels of caffeine, making it an awesome healthy alternative to your morning coffee. One cup in the morning will help you shake off sluggishness and sleep and give you enough energy to go through the day without the anxiety you might experience when drinking coffee on a regular basis.
Despite all the advantages of drinking kombucha in the morning, some individuals with a sensitive digestive system experience unpleasant side effects when drinking kombucha for the first time during this particular part of the day. So before you make a habit of ingesting kombucha on an empty stomach, we recommend giving it a trial for a week or two and drinking the beverage after the meals for your system to become used to it.
#2 During the meals
Although the long-lasting effects of this beverage are not as effective when it is ingested with meals, kombucha still helps a great deal with your digestion and can even reduce abdominal pain.
#3 Midday
How about replacing your afternoon coffee with some kombucha? It’s surely the best way to boost energy and kick off the second part of the day!
#4 Post-workout
The beneficial bacteria, acetic acid, and antioxidants in kombucha are a great way to rehydrate your body after an intense workout session. Another advantage of kombucha is its nutrient value: this beverage is far more healthy than all those sports beverages loaded with sugar and other chemicals. Furthermore, kombucha is full of folic acid and B vitamins, which are responsible for the body’s ability to create and maintain new cells. So why not enjoy a bottle of kombucha after a productive workout?
#5 In the evening
Up for a glass of wine with some friends of yours? How about something equally tasty but a bit healthier? Slightly acidic alcohol-free kombucha with a sophisticated taste is a terrific substitute for not-so-healthy drinks like wine or beer.
However, we’ve got a quick reminder for you: even if the dose is small, kombucha still does contain caffeine. And as you’re probably already aware, caffeine consumption in the evening can seriously interfere with your getting a good night’s sleep, which is why anyone sensitive to caffeine should refrain from drinking large quantities of kombucha after supper and before going to bed.

FUL® - a healthy kombucha alternative
No matter how tasty and healthy kombucha is, you certainly don’t want to drink just one beverage for the rest of your days. But did you know that there’s another delicious sparkling beverage that offers a ton of health benefits? FUL® is a spirulina-based, eco-friendly beverage that can become a potent source of nourishment in your diet. It tastes awesome and is safe for children. In fact, it’s a great way to curb your or your child’s craving for sugary fizzy drinks and instead keep them happy with healthy, vitamin-rich and delicious spirulina sparkling beverages.

Vitamin B2, calcium, and iron present in FUL® will improve your concentration and help your body turn food into fuel, increase bone density, and aid in the digestion process, giving you a natural energy boost at the same time. Additionally, iron is crucial for various essential bodily processes, including the synthesis of certain hormones and haemoglobin. And magnesium contained in FUL® helps your muscles regenerate, boosts the immune system, and enhances neurological function.
Plus, FUL® can help maintain normal blood pressure levels and provide post-workout hydration as well as electrolytes. And since it’s free of sugar and artificial additives, it’s a much healthier choice than most other drinks. It also allows you to consume spirulina without suffering from its unpleasant taste and smell. If you love kombucha, why not give FUL® a try?
Should you drink kombucha in the morning or at night?
The answer to this depends on how sensitive you are to caffeine. If you often suffer from the negative influence of this compound, we would advise you against drinking kombucha in the evening. However, consuming the beverage in the morning and on an empty stomach has proven to be much more beneficial for your body since it helps to maximise the potency of the probiotics contained in kombucha.
How often should you drink kombucha?
We would recommend drinking 12 ounces of kombucha each day. You could split it into 4-ounce servings and consume one serving three times a day.
Who should not drink kombucha?
If you have a weak immune system, recently suffered a contagious disease, or have surgery coming up, we recommend refraining from consuming kombucha since the beverage might foster the development of bacteria and fungus in your gut that, in their turn, can result in serious infections.