11 Soft Drinks To Lower High Blood Pressure

11 Soft Drinks To Lower High Blood Pressure

Key points

  • Hypertension is a medical condition that requires constant monitoring of what you eat or drink. It is also one of the leading factors that contribute to cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease and stroke.
  • Studies have found that the consumption of sugary drinks is linked with high blood pressure. This is because extra sugar decreases blood vessel tone and disrupts salt levels in the body. 
  • Plus, by drinking sugary beverages, we end up consuming more calories without noticing it. This can lead to obesity, which is another factor for hypertension.
  • If you want to lower or control your blood pressure, choose healthy fizzy drink alternatives such as FUL® sparkling spirulina drinks. Spirulina has been shown to deliver many health benefits, and one of them is to help with blood pressure control.
  • Plain water and tea may also reduce blood pressure. You can also try drinking different juices such as tomato, pomegranate, prune, beet, and berry juices. Make sure to choose juices with 100% fruit content without added sugar or salt.

High blood pressure or hypertension is a medical condition that’s also often referred to as a “silent killer” because people affected by this condition usually don’t experience any symptoms or signs, but at the same time, they become more vulnerable to serious conditions that involve the brain, eyes, and kidneys. 

Whether you have hypertension or not, you need to be aware that some drinks significantly impact our blood pressure which may cause different diseases in the long run. Experts warn that consuming too many sugary beverages raises blood pressure. While the exact reason why the pressure goes up with every sugary drink we consume is unclear, scientists believe that extra sugar impacts blood vessel tone and salt levels in the body. 

Professor Paul Elliott from the School of Public Health at London’s Imperial College says that while everyone knows that too much salt can cause high blood pressure, we should be mindful of how much sugar we consume as well. Hypertension is a major cause of cardiovascular disease, and people with elevated blood pressure are more likely to experience a stroke or heart attack. Plus, it’s well-known that sugary drinks are full of extra calories that carry no nutritional value, and their consumption leads to obesity, which is another major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. 


While moderate consumption of sugary soft drinks doesn’t cause as much harm, why put yourself at risk if you can enjoy alternative beverages that are not only healthier but can also lower your blood pressure?


Soft Drinks To Help You Lower Blood Pressure

While there isn’t a single solution that can cure hypertension, you can try to control your blood pressure levels by taking small steps such as monitoring what you eat and drink. Dietary habits along with medical treatment play a major role in managing hypertension. Implementing the drinks listed below in your diet may help you lower your blood pressure and prevent many illnesses that it can cause.



FUL® Sparkling Spirulina Drinks

Spirulina is the most popular superfoods of all time and an irreplaceable supplement in many diets due to its high nutritional value and low-calorie content that offers a plethora of benefits. One of them is the ability to effectively lower blood pressure. According to a study carried out by the Autonomous University of Mexico in 2007, spirulina clears the arteries and prevents blood clots, which reduces the strain on the heart and decreases the risk of you experiencing a stroke. Scientists explain this occurs as a reaction to an increase in nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide is a signaling molecule that promotes relaxation and dilation of blood vessels.

Try Sparkling Spirulina Drink

FUL® sparkling spirulina drinks offer all the benefits of spirulina, and they are a healthy and delicious alternative to sugary fizzy drinks. These drinks are low in calories but packed with essential minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. 



Water is the first go-to beverage that everyone should consume on a daily basis. It not only keeps us hydrated but is also vital for controlling blood sugar and blood pressure levels. But you don’t necessarily have to force yourself to drink plain water if you don’t like its taste, you can add some lemon or lime to it. A study carried out by Japanese scientists in 2014 has shown that lemons can help detoxify the body and make the blood vessels less hard and more flexible. Plus, lemon is a powerful source of vitamin C, which is a potent antioxidant that eliminates free radicals from the body. 

You can also infuse your water with chia seeds, which are full of omega-3 fatty acids. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association in 2022, omega-3 fatty acids act as blood thinners and may also lower blood pressure. So next time you’re craving a healthy beverage, put some chia seeds in water, let them soak for half an hour, and enjoy a healthy and delicious drink.




Tea has long been lauded for the health benefits it provides. For instance, regular tea consumption has been shown to lower blood pressure. A 2014 literature review of randomised controlled trials found that both black and green teas lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. However, the study has also shown that green tea may be more effective in reducing blood pressure. Tea contains vital antioxidants which promote overall cardiovascular health.




Milk is another beverage you can enjoy while getting lots of benefits for your heart. Milk contains calcium, which is vital for normal heart functioning. But make sure to avoid beverages with added sugars that are commonly present in plant-based milk varieties. Choose unsweetened options or, even better - skim milk. Skim milk is one of the best beverages recommended for a hypertension-friendly diet, as evidenced by a 2011 literature review that found a link between the consumption of low-fat milk and a lower risk of high blood pressure.



Tomato Juice

Unsalted tomato juice has been found to be beneficial for heart health. Japanese researchers studied the effects of consuming one cup of tomato juice every day among participants who were at risk for heart disease. They found that tomato juice lowered both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as bad (LDL) cholesterol. Plus, tomato juice is packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and potassium, all of which contribute to a healthy heart. Make sure to choose unsalted tomato juice, as extra sodium only elevates blood pressure.



Prune Juice

Prunes are one of the most well-known laxatives. But one of many not-so-well-known prune juice benefits is its ability to reduce blood pressure, as evidenced by a research study carried out by scientists from the Shifa College of Medicine in 2021. Prunes not only help to lower both systolic and diastolic pressure, but they also reduce LDL cholesterol. You can snack on prunes, put them in baked goods, or add them to your smoothies and juices. But still, remember that prunes have a laxative effect, so don’t accidentally consume too many of them.



Beet Juice

Beets are loaded with beneficial vitamins and minerals, and they are also effective in lowering blood pressure. A study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension in 2016 suggested that beet juice reduces blood pressure, with raw beet juice being more effective than cooked beet juice. Beets contain nitrates and secondary metabolites, compounds that have a strong blood-pressure-lowering effect. Thus, drinking one cup of beet juice every day may prevent you from developing heart diseases and fuel your body with nutrients.



Pomegranate Juice

Rich in vitamin C and nutrients like folate, pomegranate has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. And what’s even more important for people suffering from hypertension, pomegranates may also be beneficial for the heart. A 2016 article by Dr. Caroline Stowe concluded that pomegranate juice might help reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. As with other juices, make sure to opt for pure pomegranate juice that doesn’t contain added sugar. 



Berry Juice

Just like fruits, berries are packed with antioxidants. This is especially true for blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and cranberries. Research suggests that the consumption of cranberry or cherry juice may effectively lower blood pressure because of the high level of polyphenols these berries contain. Another review published in Nature in 2016 suggests that berries reduce both systolic blood pressure and LDL cholesterol. So berries are likely to have cardiovascular benefits, but more research is needed. 



Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is well-known for its detoxifying and weight loss properties, but it may also help to lower blood pressure, as evidenced by the results of a 2007 study published in the American Journal of Hypertension. Apple cider vinegar contains a lot of potassium, which eliminates excess sodium and detoxifies the body. It also contains rennin enzymes that cause the blood pressure to drop. However, make sure to always dilute apple cider vinegar with water before drinking it.




Kombucha has been well-studied for its health benefits due to the probiotics it contains. Besides being good for gut health, studies have found that consuming kombucha on a regular basis helps to lower and control blood pressure.

Try Sparkling Spirulina Drink


Can drinking lots of water lower blood pressure?

Yes, drinking water and staying hydrated helps to control blood pressure levels and prevent diseases that hypertension may cause. Plus, water contains some of the minerals that promote heart health as well.

Does lemon water reduce blood pressure?

Yes, water infused with citrus fruits like lemons or limes may help to lower blood pressure. Citrus fruits are also packed with vitamin C and have an excellent antioxidant effect.

What tea is good for high blood pressure?

Both black and green teas have been shown to reduce blood pressure. However, it appears that green tea is more effective at this. Teas contain vital antioxidants that may contribute to the management of blood pressure.

What drinks lower blood pressure fast?

It’s important to monitor what you drink if you have hypertension or want to prevent it. Including drinks like FUL® sparkling spirulina drinks, green tea, and different unsalted juices may help to lower blood pressure – especially when substituting high sugar beverages. Make sure to avoid sugary drinks as well as juices with added sugars or salt.

Which juice is best for high blood pressure?

Almost all natural juices made without added sugar or flavourings are good for your general health and for elevated blood pressure in general. However, the best options are juices made from beets, berries, pomegranate, tomatoes, and prunes.

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